
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Would you, have you?

How many of you have tasted breast milk? This applies to men and women, simple enough question I will not judge! No? Ok so what if someone expressed it for you so you didn't take it direct from source? Still no (I'd try direct from source! ;-O)? Ok so what if it was pasteurised and bottled? I'm guessing it's still a no, and any question I ask about breast milk will end up with the same answer of no. 

So the question is, why would you accept a cows breast milk? Now THAT is a good question, with little logical explanation other than it's availability and mass production, and the fact that it has been done since the start of civilisation. Milk and it's derived products are the mainstay of most western diets and particularly when food was scarce or there was little nutritional value elsewhere milk would certainly have been a good source. 

Hello 2013 and a half-century of massive steps into research and medicines. So we've now got the ability to closely analyse exactly what things do. One of which being milk, and how the incidence of osteoporosis is substantial in dairy consuming countries, and virtually non-existent in countries who do not, and that's just one point to be made. 

Now imagine industries worth 100's of £billions being told their product is potentially negative to consumers, what do you think they would do? What would you do with information that could kill off your livelihood and substantial pay packet? Ruining the economy and hundreds of thousands of people's lives if not millions of lives? Until quite recently I saw the whole dairy as ignorant and deliberately negligent of these emerging facts.But they're protecting their own and millions of others live, so in some ways it's a necessary evil. 

 I hate that my youngest daughter consumes it like she does and the fact that she will have an increased susceptibility to MS because of me, it will destroy me if she or my elder daughter has it. BUT I have to accept that it's a part of society, people will defend their consumption of it fiercely of it because they're been raised on the idea that it is good. Perhaps my daughters will change their mind when they're of age (I hope). 

I've given dairy up, and would advise anyone to do the same, MS or not. But I don't think I'll bring any revelations to the media and change the minds of millions!

Websites of interest: - (a website selling something so take reading with a good pinch of salt)

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